Tim has also completed internships at EY and the Department of Corrections. of (Catarina Dutilh Novaes) consequentialism (Walter Sinnott-Armstrong). This 2020 Tim Armstrong signature Fender guitar is in virtually unplayed condition and set up in great playing order. Tim was awarded a first class honours degree in Economics by the University of Auckland, along with a range of scholarships and academic prizes throughout his tertiary education. GOOGL -0.96 (-0.77) Share Squawk Alley Former Google exec Tim Armstrong on the Department of Justice antitrust lawsuit Tim Armstrong, founder and CEO of the DTX Company and former. His honours research involved an empirical assessment of the technical implications of renewable generation in the New Zealand electricity market, and a cost-benefit assessment of alternative market designs. Tim also has a longstanding interest in the challenges presented by the integration of renewable sources of energy and distributed energy resources in the electricity system. Tim’s work has informed decisions by businesses, regulatory authorities and policy makers in regulatory proceedings, commercial transactions, investigations and policy decisions, as well as in decisions to initiate proceedings in the Federal Court. Tim has experience across a broad range of sectors, including the electricity, water, rail, gas, airport, fuel, labour market and transport sectors. Tim is an analyst in our team with broad sectoral experience and particular expertise applying empirical techniques to address a diverse range of challenges. We will have more announcements to make over the course of 20 from both NYC and Santa Monica.

Keen interest in applying economic theory using quantitative and modelling analysis to solve complex problems for clients. Former Google ads chief and AOL CEO Tim Armstrong is launching a new company. Whether playing unplugged or through a concert PA, the Hellcat acoustic guitar is an ideal model for both private and public performance. Based on Tim Armstrongs beat-up old 60s Fender acoustic on which he writes all of the songs for his legendary punk band, Rancid the Tim Armstrong.